Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Anti-corruption blogger Alexey Navalny filed a complaint to the ECHR

According to RIA Novosty, a Russian news agency, Alexey Navalny submitted an application to the ECHR claiming several violations of the Convention by Russian authorities in connection with his recent arrest during protests in Moscow against the results of the parliamentary elections in Russia. Below is the link to the full text of the article posted by RIA Novosti.

RIA NovostiA court sentenced Navalny(1) and Yashin(2) to 15 days of administrative arrest.  Top blogger Navalny challenges his arrest in European court
01:51 13/12/2011 Lawyers of anti-corruption activist and top blogger Alexei Navalny and opposition leader Ilya Yashin, detained during protests last week, lodged their complaint to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)>>

Friday, December 9, 2011

Gladysheva v. Russia: the ECHR protected the rights of a bona fide buyer

This week, on 6 December 2011, the ECHR delivered its judgment in the case of Gladysheva v. Russia concerning dispossession of the applicant’s title to the flat and the eviction order issued against her by Russian authorities.[1] The ECHR found Russia responsible for violating the applicant’s rights guaranteed by Article 1 Protocol No. 1 to the Convention (protection of property) and Article 8 of the Convention (respect for home) and ordered the Russian Government to ensure “full restitution of the applicant’s title to the flat and the annulment of her eviction order” once the ECHR judgment becomes final. The applicant is also entitled to EUR 9,000 in respect of non-pecuniary damage and EUR 11,245 in respect of costs and expenses.